Monday, May 18, 2020

Can You Still Get Your Roof Done Amid the COVID-19 Outbreak? Surely what’s betterother than EPDM Liquid Rubber…!!

Leaving a damaged roof un-attended can cause damage to your building and you don’t want to risk that. It is important to address issues as soon as possible. This is equally important for both minor and major roof issues. Major roof issues can cause serious immediate concerns like compromising the structural integrity of the roof while minor issues like roof leaks can turn into bigger problems and lead to more damage.

Flat roof is a very common type of roofing in different parts of the world. Along with having different pros this type of roofing also has some cons associated with it. The most common is ponding. A flat roof coating will help you to maximize the best potential out of your flat roof. Coating helps to make sure your roof stays waterproof but now coatings offers more benefits than that. Coatings like EPDM Liquid Rubber can block UV-rays and reduce cooling costs greatly and extend the life of roof by good 18-20 years.

Replacing a roof costs a lot and is labor and time intensive too, so applying a roof coating is the best solution to repair your roof and restore it like a new. Before you buy any roof coating make sure it comes with the manufacturer warranty. Don’t rely solely on your roofers words and always cross check the details.

Roof coatings offer many benefits. They can help repairs seals and cracks in the roofs. They block uv-rays and reduce cooling costs. Also coatings like EPDM rubber can withstand submerged water year round without compromising their structural integrity. Another benefits of roof coatings is that they are very light weight and easy to apply and the roof deck doesn’t need any kind of reinforcements.

Corona Pandemic and Safety Precautions:

Paperless Transactions – when selecting any roofer go for entirely paperless transactions to maintain zero contact during roof inspections, meetings and also during the performance of actual roofing job.

Physical Social Distancing – since work is mostly done on to your roof outside your home so you don’t need to worry about running into any crew or roofers throughout the roofing job.

Compliance With Recommendations – Never ever risk your health and safety. Strictly follow the protocols recommended by WHO and other health care organizations. If you are sick stay at home and also perform routine cleanliness and disinfection of your tools, work attire and other equipment.

If your flat roof need repairs or if you are interested in finding a roof coating that will deflect harmful UV-rays and is not affected by ponding ask from your local roof about EPDM Liquid Rubber or visit directly and be hassle free.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Epdm Rubber Roof Coating For Repair, Life Extension & Color Change. The All In One Panacea For All Of Your Roof Needs…!!

No matter what kind of building you own whether residential or commercial, you always think of optimizing its operations. By optimizing means renovating the building, changing out its HVAC system or installing new floors. However, a roof coating is the best way to get most out of your building and EPDM roof coating is by far the best roof coating available on the market.

Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer

EPDM stands for Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer. This is basically a synthetic rubber from the three listed, which come from either natural gas or oil. EPDM has become the material of choice for roofers and contractors around the world and EPDM has also pushed it boundaries in-terms of its application in various industries.

The Beauty of Roof Coatings

EPDM roof coatings can be used to strengthen existing structure or perform repairs if the building roof has been damaged. The great about EPDM roof coating is that it is very easy to apply as it is a true DIY product. It also offers a number of other benefits as follows:

1.       Greater Durability:-One thing for sure about EPDM coatings is that it protects the building from extrusive elements. Whether you perform minor repairs or do a full roof restoration, you roof will be in a better state than it would be otherwise without using the roof coating. EPDM roof coating can withstand extreme weather conditions and can even endure temperatures between -40 and 300 degrees Fahrenheit without cracking or becoming brittle.

2.       Improves Utility Bills: -In-terms of operational expenses you spend every year a very handsome amount on utility bills.This is another incentive of using EPDM roof coatings, because EPDM roof coatings creates an impregnable membrane which act as an insulation for the building. In summer it block UV-rays which means the sun isn’t able to make your AC unit work overtime to keep everyone cool. Furthermore it also won’t allow the hot air to escape out of the top which keeps your building nice and warm during the winter.

If you have any more questions or concerns kindly visit